The last thing Palo Alto needs

Arguably the last thing Palo Alto needs right now is another tutoring center, especially one that in its very name exemplifies the narrow, stress-multiplying definition of excellence that so besets the town. But it looks like an outpost of 'IvyTutor' will be opening soon on California Avenue.

I'm seeing this on the day the Palo Alto weekly reports that our high school teachers have started wearing t-shirts aimed at reminding their students that there are actually 3000 universities in the country.

These are the two big messages about education that are currently dueling it out in our community: 'aiming for a highly prestigious college is worth the sacrifice of your mental health and good chunk of your childhood' versus 'do your best in school and choose a college because it will help you thrive, not because your parents and their friends have heard of it.'

I wonder which narrative will win?