Random Maker Faire Pics - from Steam Punk to Fluff Punk

This wasn't the adventure in photography that it might have been, thanks to my having to lug a large piece of Blinglish technology around with me for most of the time (see item immediately below).

 But here are a few, fairly random pictures from the Faire.

The Shark Car.

One of the mobile cupcakes.

The giant light fixture.

Just a part of the human-scale Mousetrap game.

The Jules Verne-inspired Steam Punk house.
There was lots of Steam Punk at the Faire and I have to say I was quite taken with the Steam Punk fashions on display (Avengers meets burlesque meets 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea). I also liked its antitheses, what you might call Fluff Punk, as represented by this fake fur covered-caterpillar truck.