Need a dragon namer?

Michael, font of cool animal names, has a new one.  This time it's an evil dragon: Bloodshot.

Update: we have two other dragons now.  One is called Ash and the other, Hotspot.

2 responses
Hi, Simon.
I met you at the Makler's New Year's Eve party last year. I was at a Birthing From Within doula workshop this weekend and I met a man who was taking the workshop for the second time, and who is preparing to co-teach a childbirth class with his wife (a midwife). I remembered that you were writing a book about fathers as labor partners and thought that he might be an interesting resource for you. He said he'd be willing to talk with you if you like. Please let me know if you'd like his information.
P.S. Our latest animal name: Spottyspotty (dog). 3-year-old is still working on that skill.
Hi Misa -- good to hear from you. Please do send me the info. We're in a holding pattern on the project right not, but it could burst into life at any moment! You can reach me at simonfirth at
All the best,