God's Love -- "better than free candy"

Well, you'd hope so. 

It was certainly the promise we found on a small, fancy-folding card in Ada's trick or treat bag when she returned home from stumping the neighborhood.

"Free Candy -- what could be better than that?  God's Love!  That's the sweetest gift of all!"  reads the tract.  Flip it around a bit and it becomes a cross, declaring: "say this prayer and long after the candy is gone, Jesus will still be by your side."

So I'm first wondering which neighbor was handing them out -- and whether he or she gave kids candy plus the card.  And then I'm thinking that these proselytizers are playing a really low stakes game.  Jesus better and longer lasting than candy?  If that's the comparison set, you might as well believe in a table lamp, or a pet poodle. 

Still, I'm up for anything that moves kids away from the candy, candy, candy rush of All Hallows Eve.  This year we offered four inch high, glow-in-the-dark skeletons along with the M&Ms.  A bunch of kids took them -- a memento mori for their teeth, perhaps.